Monday, November 22, 2010

Andai waktu memanggil

Andai waktu memanggil -Opick

Ya Rabbi beri kami
Cahaya penerang digelapnya hati
Jauh sudah langkah kaki
Lewati jutaan detik tak kembali
Ilahi ampuni kami
Dosa-dosa mewarnai diri
Hati lupa kadang terlena
Mimpi dunia menggoda sang jiwa

Andai waktu memanggilku
Berharap tersenyum di akhir masaku
Maafkanlah ampuni diriku
Hati ‘kan memohon di kemahaan-Mu

Tangan ini hati ini
Hari-hari berlalu ‘kan jadi saksi-Mu
Dan tak bisa ku sembunyi
Suka duka nestapa tiada hati bisa berdusta

Emmm.. have you ever feel this feeling? AFRAID OF YOUR OWNSELF? 
After being stuck in the deepest and darkest black hole
Surviving with only sufficient light that you have in your hands looking for a way out
and then someone lend a hand to take you out from it
Finally you are living! Breathing the lite air breeze, bathing with the sun light, adoring the moon
But! suddenly  you find yourself creeping back to the black hole..
Aren't you afraid of yourself? I AM.
Save me from myself, save me from your hell Ya Allah
Who said living is easy? Life is full of bitterness

Ya ALLAH tuhan yang membolak-balikkan hati, tetapkan hatiku dalam agamaMU

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